
So as for myself, I would say that I I fight everyday for human rights.
Men, Women, Trans, Gays, Black, White etc.
Yes, I define myself as a Feminist.
But you're right I could also call myself an egalitarian (Egalitarianism is a political doctrine that all people should be treated as equals and have the same political, economic, social, and civil rights; or as a social philosophy advocating the removal of economic inequalities among people, economic egalitarianism, or the decentralization of power. Some sources define egalitarianism as the point of view that equality reflects the natural state of humanity.)
I do think that everyone should have the same rights, equally.
I do not believe that some of the negative waves of Feminism will win. Great people will rise up and scream our rights and beliefs while fighting for everyone's right. At any rate; the bad portion of feminists is a minority...
I believe that Feminism is 100% equality, and that means equality EVEN when it doesn't advantage us.
Equality for ALL genders. ALL people, no exception. 
I'm someone who always fought for people's rights, no matter the cause. I fight against poverty, against homophobia, against racism and any other kind of judgement or intolerance. I believe in a peaceful world where everyone can contribute and bring a part of peacefulness and make the planet a better place to live in harmony. You may say i'm a dreamer, but i'm not the only one...
I'm a very artistic person, and always used arts to my benefits, to share my opinions and feelings. It really helps me to scream what's inside of me, what needs to go out.
One of my biggest achievement lately is also a humanitarian project I created, Entraide Montréal : I help people with food, clothes, furnitures, among other various ressources. I'm not the only one to help; there is people to help and offer things and people that are in needs. It's so wonderful to see so many beautiful human beings helping each other.
I also personally believe that my values are equal to many labels... But the one that reaaaally defines me: humanitarian.
Egalitarism, human rights activism, feminist... All the same, finally!
I made a video explaining my opinion and vision of Feminism. I really hope you will like it!

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