As a Feminist myself, I wanted to make sure I can show the world that great feminists still exists. That Feminists are fighting for everyone's rights. And that unfortunately, the extremists are the ones that we see the most. We can compare this to the Muslims vs ISIS. They are not the same... But it's still ISIS you see the most and then it gives moderate Muslims a bad reputation.
also wanted to make sure that I do adress problematics on both sides,
as Feminism is working for everyone's rights, no matter the gender. Yes,
it's first for women, because we do face inequalities versus men. But
it doesn't make our problematics bigger and we do care about men's
issues too. I wish I could show the world how many of good Feminists
there is out there, and I really think I will start a group of people
who has no hate, that just share the need to empower each other, gender
excluded. Because we just want one common thing; social change.
always said that even males are facing problematics like sexism. They
also face hypersexualisation in media, and they ARE affected by
patriarchy. When the word patriarchy appears, too much cringing
appears... But it simply talks about an established concept that exists
in our society, we are not talking about man hate here!!!
One other important point to remember is, as described on the Daily Kos, “patriarchy is generally not an explicit ongoing effort by men to dominate women. It is a long-standing system that we are born into and participate in, mostly unconsciously.” This means, that people of all gender identities can perpetuate
patriarchy, even if it is mainly male-identified individuals that reap
most of the societal benefits.
"Visionary feminism is a wise and loving politics. It is rooted in the
love of male and female being, refusing to privilege one over the other.
The soul of feminist politics is the commitment to ending patriarchal
domination of women and men, girls and boys. Love cannot exist in any
relationship that is based on domination and coercion. Males cannot love
themselves in patriarchal culture if their very self-definition relies
on submission to patriarchal rules. When men embrace feminist thinking
and preactice, which emphasizes the value of mutual growth and
self-actualization in all relationships, their emotional well-being will
be enhanced. A genuine feminist politics always brings us from bondage
to freedom, from lovelessness to loving."
So if Feminism does mean equality, I do not see why we wouldn't want them as our allies. And to think that the Third Wave Feminis is all bad is wrong. We are plenty out there just awaiting to raise our voices louder so people can ear us. But most of the time, when we want to talk, when we do say we are for equality etc, people must listen to us... 'Cause too often on social media, when people comments, we just receive plenty of insults saying that only Feminazis exists. We can prove you wrong, but you must give us the benefit of the doubt.
As women, men face sexism in Western society. The proportion is smaller, but I do feel need to adress this and to condamn any double standards concerning that topic.
Let's talk about issues that man faces. Because even though it's a smaller portion, IT IS STILL a needed topic.
I care about men issues because I care about feminism… and I think one of the best things we can do to advance feminism is to get more men on board. If we can convince more men that sexism screws up their lives, too—and that life shared with free and equal women is a whole lot more fun—we’re going to get a lot more men on our side.
Many of men's sexism examples—particularly the points about custody inequities and conscription—are popular with men's rights activists. MRAs tend to deploy the arguments as evidence that men are oppressed by women and, especially, by feminists. Yet, what's striking about instances of sexism against men is how often the perpetrators are not women but other men. The gendercides in Serbia and Rwanda were committed against men, not by feminists, but by other men. Prison rape is, again, overwhelmingly committed by men against other men—with (often male) prison officials sitting by and shrugging. Conscription in the U.S. was implemented overwhelmingly by male civilian politicians and military authorities, not by women.
On Everyday's Feminism, we can clearly read about how men are affected by sexism. (link) This is a website that promotes feminism AND equality, and that still talks about men's issues.
Macho culture – the perpetuation of hypermasculinity, dominance, violence, bravado – can be deadly, particularly for women.
According to the World Health Organization, women in the US are victims of intimate partner violence at a rate about five times that of men, and the United Nations has found that the most common form of violence experienced by women around the world is physical violence inflicted by an intimate partner.
While men experience much lower rates of violence, and are privileged in many respects, it’s both na
There is a lot of ways where man are affected by sexism. I was watching videos lately and I've seen demonstrations that Feminists organized and they CLEARLY showed sexism and double standards, actions that I condamn. I do not accept this as an action for the movement, giving us a bad reputation. But it's not only the "Feminists" that affects sexism towards man but also society and general, and everyday's life. That totally pisses me off when a woman try to shut down a men's opinion because we do all need to benefit from our freedom of speech, unless it's being very rude, disrespectful.
Here are some interesting links:
- Feminists interrupting a MRA meeting
- Feminist being rude towards a men
- Men being objectified like the girls in this video
- Six things girls says that are sexist
- 5 stupid sexist things expected from the men partner
- Gender issues in the media
- What sexism against men sounds like
- Sexism is a men issue too
- Feminism is not against men
- 23 ways feminism had a positive impact for men
- Feminism fights for equality, not superiority
- Why men should fight for women's rights
- These are the Indian Women fighting for men's rights
- Let us fight for men's rights too!
Here are some exemples of men being objectified in media. Not only they are objectified, but it is patriarchy telling men (like it does on women) that they need to be strong with muscles, not allowed to cry etc.
Fighting for Men's Rights also mean that we have to fight for their mental's health and all other dimensions. So let's see other things that can affect them:
- Help for Abused Men
- Why men don't leave
The page is still in construction. It's a start, and something I will always need to edit! I hope you like how it is !!! Now here are two of my videos.
1 commentaire:
thank you for doing this. can't wait to see how it grows
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